Great Blue Heron Regaining Balance

This Great Blue Heron had missed whatever it was trying to catch. When it brought its head out of the water it needed to regain its balance by using its wings.

You can see in my photo the disturbance in the water where it speared its beak. They are quick and use lots of force when trying to catch a meal. This sometimes causes them to lose their balance.

Great Blue Heron Regaining Balance
Great Blue Heron Regaining Balance

How I Got The Shot:

Once again I parked at the Sally Jones Causeway which is at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. This has been my go to place for photographing the Great Blue Heron this summer.

This is a difficult place to park because the shoulder of the tour road is narrow. Depending on where the subject is I sometimes have to move when someone wants by. Most times I have this refuge to myself early in the mornings and don’t often have to move.

I took this photo at 8:06 in the morning. This is late for photographing in this area and I was afraid another vehicle would need by. I got lucky this day and was able to photograph this bird without having to move.