First Gray Tree Frog at Sequoyah Refuge

I was finishing up my morning of wildlife photography at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. Before leaving, I decided to drive down the road leading to the Moody Boat Ramp to see if I could spot any interesting insects or frogs.

After turning around at the boat ramp parking area, I slowly drove back while scanning the Johnson grass along the road for potential photo subjects. A few hundred yards up, a small gray tree frog on top of a leaf caught my eye.

Gray Tree Frog On A Blade Of Johnson Grass
Gray Tree Frog On A Blade Of Johnson Grass

The Discovery

As I positioned my camera, the wind caused the leaf to sway. The frog shifted its position, and I caught a glimpse of bright yellowish-orange on the inside of its legs—a telltale marking of the Gray Tree Frog.

Capturing the Moment

I carefully positioned my camera and telephoto lens out the truck window to capture some images of this frog. This was my first time seeing and photographing a Gray Tree Frog. I feel fortunate to have come across this one perched on the grass by the roadside. Being able to photograph this frog in its natural habitat made my morning outing a success. I look forward to returning to the refuge to see what other wildlife I might encounter.

Equipment Used

  • Camera: Canon EOS R5
  • Lens: Canon RF 100-500 mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM

Technical Details

  • Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge (Oklahoma)
  • Date and Time Taken: September 15, 2023 (09:49 A.M.)
  • Program Mode: Manual
  • Aperture: f10
  • Shutter speed: 1/2500
  • ISO: 1600 (Auto)
  • Exp. Comp.: +0.3
  • Focal Length: 500 mm


Encountering and photographing the Gray Tree Frog at Sequoyah Refuge was a memorable experience. The thrill of spotting this unique amphibian in its natural habitat added a special touch to my wildlife photography journey. I can’t help but anticipate my next adventure at the refuge, eager to discover more of the remarkable wildlife that calls it home.

Steve Creek, Wildlife Photographer


  1. Are Gray Tree Frogs common in Sequoyah Refuge? Gray Tree Frogs are not extremely common, but they can be found in suitable habitats within the refuge.
  2. What is a Gray Tree Frog? A Gray Tree Frog is a small, arboreal amphibian known for its grayish appearance and remarkable climbing abilities. It belongs to the Hylidae family and is often found in woodlands and wetlands.
  3. Where can Gray Tree Frogs be typically found? Gray Tree Frogs are native to North America and can be found in various regions, including the eastern United States and parts of Canada. They are commonly spotted in wooded areas and near water sources.
  4. How do Gray Tree Frogs adapt to their surroundings? Gray Tree Frogs have the remarkable ability to change their skin color to match their environment, making them excellent at blending in with tree bark and leaves. This adaptation helps them evade predators.
  5. What do Gray Tree Frogs eat? These frogs are insectivores, primarily feeding on a diet of small insects and arthropods. They use their sticky tongues to catch prey.

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