Face-to-Face with an Opossum in Oklahoma

As a seasoned wildlife photographer, I’m no stranger to nature’s surprises. My camera has captured countless memorable moments in the wild. However, my experience on May 18, 2024, at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma stood out as particularly remarkable. While I’m always prepared to encounter wildlife, spotting an opossum in broad daylight was an unexpected treat. These nocturnal creatures rarely make daytime appearances, making this sighting all the more special.

Face-to-Face with an Opossum in Oklahoma
Face-to-Face with an Opossum in Oklahoma

It was a pleasant day, perfect for a stroll along one of the refuge’s utility roads. As I walked, enjoying the tranquility of the surroundings, I spotted something in the distance – an opossum, casually making its way towards me.

Knowing how elusive these creatures can be, I quickly formulated a plan. I carefully lowered myself to the ground, camera at the ready, hoping for a chance at capturing this unexpected visitor. To my amazement, the opossum continued its approach, seemingly oblivious to my presence.

As it drew nearer, I held my breath, my finger poised over the shutter button. The opossum walked right past me, offering a perfect opportunity for a straight-on shot. I silently thanked the engineers who designed my camera’s silent shutter, allowing me to capture this moment without startling my subject.

This encounter underscored the unpredictable nature of wildlife observation, especially when it comes to opossums. While these fascinating creatures are typically most active at night, my early morning sighting was a rare exception. In eastern Oklahoma, opossums are generally more visible during the warmer months, from spring through fall. As nocturnal animals, they usually reserve their activities for the cover of darkness, making this daylight encounter all the more exceptional. It serves as a reminder that in wildlife photography, being prepared at all times can lead to extraordinary opportunities.

It’s worth noting that while opossums don’t hibernate, they do tend to reduce their activity during extremely cold weather. During winter, they may hunker down in their dens for days at a time when temperatures plummet.

My May encounter was perfectly timed – right in the middle of spring when opossums are more visible and active. The mild temperature likely contributed to this opossum’s daytime wanderings, offering me this rare, close-up experience.

This unexpected meeting served as a powerful reminder of the wonders that await us in nature. It underscores the importance of being prepared, patient, and respectful when exploring wildlife habitats. You never know when you might come face-to-face with one of nature’s remarkable creatures.