A Bobcat Among Corn Stubble

I had the thrill of spotting and photographing a bobcat recently during a visit to the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. As I was driving along the auto tour road on the south side of the refuge, a strip of harvested corn caught my eye. Glancing over, I spotted a bobcat standing among the corn stubble and looking intently across the field toward the road where I had stopped my truck.

Bobcat Standing Among The Corn Stubble
Bobcat Standing Among The Corn Stubble

I was traveling east, so the bobcat was positioned on the passenger side just feet from my open window. Although the lighting was far from ideal, I quickly grabbed my camera knowing wildlife sightings require split-second decisions. This bobcat sighting was the first I’ve had in this refuge for quite some time, so I wasn’t about to let the opportunity slip away!

The bobcat was transfixed, slowly scanning the landscape as it moved through the stubble. It gradually made its way toward the tree line bordering the field where it eventually disappeared into the woods. These solitary, elusive cats can be challenging to catch sight of, much less photograph. My heart was racing at the chance to capture this intimate bobcat encounter.

While the lighting could have been better, I’m thrilled with the image documenting this special wildlife interaction. The bobcat’s beautiful spotted coat and intense gaze were unmistakable. Sightings like these make all the hours in the field worthwhile and fuel my passion for wildlife photography even more!

I’m already eagerly anticipating my next visit to this refuge to see what other exceptional photographic opportunities may present themselves. You never know what magnificent Oklahoma wildlife you may spot around the next bend!

Image Information:

  • Camera: Canon EOS R5
  • Lens: Canon RF 800mm f/11
  • Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
  • Date and Time Taken: November 22, 2023 (10:22 A.M.)
  • Program Mode: Manual
  • Aperture: f/11 (Fixed)
  • Shutter Speed: 1/800 sec
  • ISO: 1600 (Auto)
  • Exposure Comp: +0.7
  • Focal Length: 800mm

2 thoughts on “A Bobcat Among Corn Stubble”

  1. Lovely photo of a rarely seen beautiful creature. I occasionally see bobcats when walking in a nearby state park in New Mexico and seeing one is always a thrill as you observed. What a gift these surprise nature sightings are to us all. Thanks for documenting and posting.

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