A Bald Eagle Takes Flight

I was parked on the side of the road near Miner’s Cove, which is at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. I was photographing a pair of Pied-billed Grebes when I noticed this Bald Eagle fly onto a tree behind me. I had to back up to get into position for a better shot. I was afraid that doing this would scare the Eagle away, but it didn’t. I got several photos before it flew to another location close by. I was photographing from inside my pickup, but this time instead of using a beanbag, I used the door frame for support.

A Bald Eagle Takes Flight
A Bald Eagle Takes Flight

Bald Eagles are one of the most iconic birds in North America. They are also one of the most successful conservation stories, with a population that has rebounded from near extinction in the early 20th century. Oklahoma is home to a healthy population of Bald Eagles, with an estimated 200-300 nesting pairs.

The Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge is a great place to see Bald Eagles. The refuge is located on the western edge of Robert S. Kerr Reservoir, and the Eagles often perch on trees or fly overhead as they search for food. The best time to see Bald Eagles at the refuge is during the winter, when they are more likely to be seen as they migrate south.

If you’re lucky, you might even get to see a Bald Eagle up close. I was able to get some great photos of the Eagle that I saw at Miner’s Cove, and I was amazed by its beauty. Bald Eagles are truly majestic creatures, and it’s an honor to be able to see them in the wild.