I photographed this Whitetail Buck walking past me while parked on the tour road at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. He didn’t pay me any attention because he was watching a couple of Whitetail Does that just crossed in front of me. The Does crossed the tour road heading into an area they like to bed in. This Buck went with them and disappeared into the brush.

You can see a higher resolution of this photo here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/screek/48238623812/
Here is a photo of another Whitetail Buck I photographed on this same day: Whitetail Buck Sticking Tongue Out
How I Got The Shot – Whitetail Buck Walking
When I spotted this Buck he was following a couple of Does. I knew where they were going so I got in front of them and parked behind a tree and some brush. The Does crossed a short distance in front of me but I waited so that I could photograph the Buck. I took a few photos of him before he got to the road.
This was on the road leading to Moody Boat Ramp (Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge).
I had my Fujifilm X-T3 camera resting on a bean bag draped over the open window of my pickup with a Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II lens attached with a Fringer EF-FX Pro.
Camera Settings
- AV Mode
- Back-button focus
- Auto White Balance
- Multi Metering
- Single Point, Continuous Auto Focus
- Aperture f5.6
- ISO 1000
- Shutter speed – 1/200
- Focal Length – 400 mm
Post-processing was with Luminar 3
Wildlife Photography Tip
Study the animals you’re shooting. I have watched the deer in this area and had a good idea where they travel to bed. This allowed me to get in position so as not to disturb them.