I recently took a photo of a Snowy Egret holding a shad at Lock and Dam 13 in Barling, Arkansas. The bird was standing on the rocks against the dam, exhibiting its hunting skills.

Lock and Dam 13 is a location near my home that I often visit to take photos of birds catching fish. The birds are accustomed to people fishing there and I can get close enough to take good photos.
I was holding my camera and lens in my hands as I captured this scene. The Snowy Egret’s bright white feathers and the shad’s silver scales made for a striking contrast in the image. The bird’s feathers were almost glowing in the sun, creating a beautiful photo.
Being a wildlife photographer is a wonderful and fulfilling experience. It requires patience, persistence, and a deep appreciation for nature. Each time I take a photo like this, I am in awe of the beauty of the world around me.
Not only do I get to admire and learn about these amazing creatures, but I also have the opportunity to share their beauty with others through my photos. This photo of the Snowy Egret and its shad is just one example of the many incredible moments I have been fortunate enough to witness and capture as a wildlife photographer.
In conclusion, I am grateful for the chance to pursue my love for wildlife photography and for places like Lock and Dam 13 where I can observe and capture such amazing moments in nature.