Photographing wildlife in their natural habitat is a true privilege, and capturing the elegance and beauty of a Sandhill Crane in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah is a truly special experience. In this blog post, I will share my experience of photographing this magnificent bird.

The Sandhill Crane is a species of crane found in North America, with some populations also found in Central America and Asia. These large birds are known for their elegant appearance, distinctive calls, and impressive migratory journeys.
For this particular photograph, I set up my camera and lens on a beanbag draped over the rolled-down window of my vehicle. My friend Mia McPherson was my driver and guide, and she was the one who spotted the Sandhill Crane as it was foraging in a nearby field. The use of a beanbag was crucial in this scenario as it helped to steady my camera and lens, ensuring that the image was sharp and free from blur. The soft material of the beanbag also helps absorb any vibrations or movements, making it an essential tool for wildlife photography.
As I watched the Sandhill Crane forage, I patiently waited for the perfect moment to capture its behavior. It was fascinating to see how it would gracefully move through the field, using its long bill to search for food. It was during one of these moments that I was able to capture a stunning image of the Sandhill Crane with its bill dipped into the grass.
The Wasatch Mountains of Utah are a beautiful and diverse natural habitat that is home to a wide range of wildlife, making it an ideal location for wildlife photography. From majestic elk to elegant cranes, there is always something to see and photograph. The Sandhill Crane is just one of the many fascinating wildlife species that can be found in this area.
In conclusion, photographing a Sandhill Crane foraging in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah was a truly special experience. Capturing the elegance and beauty of this magnificent bird in its natural habitat is a reminder of the importance of preserving our natural world. The thrill of capturing these images, combined with the breathtaking scenery of the Wasatch Mountains, makes this a moment that I will always cherish.
Gear Used:
- Camera: Canon EOS R5
- Lens: RF100-500 mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM
- Location: Wasatch Mountains (Utah)
- Date and Time Taken: June 2, 2022 (10:26 A. M.)
- Exposure Mode: Manual
- Aperture: f8
- Shutter speed: 1/3200
- ISO: 1250 (Auto)
- Focal Length: 500 mm