How to Get Your Wildlife Photos Seen and Published

Welcome, fellow wildlife photographers! If you’re like me, you’re passionate about capturing the beauty of nature through your lens. However, it can be a bit frustrating when your stunning wildlife photographs remain hidden in your portfolio. In this blog post, I will share some valuable insights on how to get your photos seen and published.

Louisiana Wildlife Insider Magazine With Two Of My Photos
Louisiana Wildlife Insider Magazine With Two Of My Photos

Choose Your Best Shots

The first step in getting your wildlife photos seen and published is selecting your best work. Remember, quality over quantity! Go through your collection and pick the shots that truly stand out. Look for images that tell a story or evoke emotions.

Build an Online Presence

Building a robust online presence is crucial for any wildlife photographer, and in my case, it has been a game-changer. My blog, in particular, has proven to be an incredibly effective platform. What’s more, I’m fortunate to have a close friend who is not only a bird photographer but also an expert in website development. You can check out her impressive work [Mia McPherson]. I decided to collaborate with her to rebuild my website, and the results have been remarkable.

Since the revamp, I’ve noticed a significant increase in requests for my wildlife images. In fact, just this week, I received exciting news that one of my photographs is being featured in a book set to be published in the UK. This success story underscores the importance of having an aesthetically pleasing and well-optimized website to showcase your work. So, don’t underestimate the power of a professionally designed website; it can open up incredible opportunities for your photography career.

Remember, your online presence is your digital portfolio, and it should reflect the quality and uniqueness of your work. Make the most of it by investing in your online platform and watch your photography career soar.

If you’re curious to see some of my published images, I invite you to visit my about page, where you can get a glimpse of the work that’s made its way into various publications.

Engage on Social Media

Leverage the power of social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to share your work with a wider audience. Use relevant hashtags and engage with wildlife photography communities and enthusiasts. Building a loyal following takes time, so be patient.

Submit to Photography Contests

While I personally don’t engage in submitting my work to photography contests, it’s worth noting that this avenue has proven beneficial for many wildlife photographers. Participating in photography contests can be a fantastic way to gain exposure and recognition for your craft.

Numerous competitions are specifically dedicated to wildlife photography, and they attract a global audience of photographers and enthusiasts. These contests often have esteemed judges who can offer valuable feedback and critique on your work, helping you refine your skills.

Moreover, winning or even being a finalist in such competitions can significantly boost your reputation and open doors to various opportunities. Many of these contests offer cash prizes, equipment, and, most importantly, the chance to have your work featured in prestigious publications or exhibitions.

So, while it’s not a strategy I’ve personally pursued, it’s certainly worth considering, especially if you’re looking to broaden your reach and gain recognition in the wildlife photography community.

Collaborate with Wildlife Organizations

Collaborating with wildlife conservation organizations has been another fruitful avenue for me when it comes to getting my work published. I’ve found that many of these organizations actively seek photographers to document their projects, and it’s a win-win partnership.

In my case, I often receive requests from such organizations, and more often than not, I choose to donate the images they are looking for. This philanthropic approach not only allows me to contribute to vital conservation efforts but also results in repeated requests and a growing network within the conservation community.

These collaborations can lead to your work being featured in their publications, websites, or promotional materials, reaching a wider audience and enhancing your reputation as a wildlife photographer dedicated to the cause.

So, if you’re passionate about wildlife conservation, consider reaching out to these organizations and offering your photography skills to support their missions. It’s a rewarding way to get your photos seen and published while making a positive impact on our natural world.

Reach Out to Magazines and Websites

Approach wildlife and photography magazines, websites, and blogs with your portfolio. Write compelling pitches and proposals to grab their attention. Many publications are interested in fresh, unique wildlife content.

Network with Fellow Photographers

Networking is essential in the photography industry. Attend photography events, workshops, and conferences to meet fellow photographers and potential clients. Networking can open up opportunities you might not have discovered on your own.

Stay Informed

Keep yourself updated on the latest photography trends, editing techniques, and wildlife conservation news. Being well-informed will help you create relevant and captivating content.

Be Patient and Persistent

Success in the wildlife photography world doesn’t come overnight. It takes patience and persistence. Keep refining your skills, and don’t get discouraged by rejection. Learn from your experiences and keep moving forward.


In the competitive world of wildlife photography, getting your photos seen and published can be challenging. However, with dedication, a strong online presence, and a willingness to connect with fellow photographers and organizations, you can make your mark in this niche. Remember, each photo tells a unique story of the natural world, and the more you share, the greater the chance of having your work appreciated and published. So, keep clicking, keep sharing, and keep your passion alive!

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