I’m back with more photos from my recent outing to the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. In my last post, I shared images of the elusive Wilson’s Snipe that I was fortunate to spot hiding among the weeds. Today, I want to focus on another wading bird species I captured that day – the striking Greater Yellowlegs.

As mentioned in my last blog post, I first spotted several Greater Yellowlegs wading in the marshy waters. As I slowly rolled down my window to photograph them from inside my truck, a passing car temporarily frightened the Yellowlegs away.
With the Yellowlegs taking flight, I then noticed a few Wilson’s Snipes hiding among the reeds nearby. I captured some nice images of these cryptically patterned shorebirds before the Yellowlegs returned shortly after (A Close Encounter with Well-Hidden Wilson’s Snipes).

Some interesting facts about the Greater Yellowlegs:
- They are nicknamed “marshpipers” for their preference of wading in deeper water compared to other sandpipers.
- They have a larger and heftier build than their lookalike cousin, the Lesser Yellowlegs.
- We see them mostly during migration as they travel between their breeding grounds in Canada and winter spots across the southern U.S.
- Their bright yellow legs, robust bill, and measured gait give them a refined presence whether solo or in small flocks.
- They tend to be wary and often give alarm calls when threats are near.
- Compared to Lesser Yellowlegs, they favor more open wetlands and larger mudflats.
- Their diet includes insects, insect larvae, small fish, crustaceans, snails, and other aquatic creatures.
I always enjoy observing and photographing these striking yet subtle waders. Their elegant forms and behavior make them a delight to watch as they seamlessly blend into their surroundings. I feel fortunate to have captured these images of the Greater Yellowlegs in a serene, natural setting without disturbing them. Until next time, happy birding!
Image Information (First Image):
- Date: 11/4/23
- Time: 10:56 AM
- Camera: Canon EOS R7
- Lens: EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM
- ISO: 640
- Aperture: 7.1
- Shutter: 1/800
- Exp. Comp.: 0
- Lens (mm): 400
- Program Mode: Manual