Continuing from where I left off yesterday (check out the post [here], my adventure at Black Mesa State Park is off to an exciting start. After setting up camp and chatting with a state park employee about the local wildlife, I spent some time scouting the park to plan my day for Tuesday, August 27, 2024. The timing was perfect as I returned to camp just as the rain started, creating the perfect ambiance for a restful night.
Sunrise at Black Mesa Nature Preserve
At sunrise, I set out for the Black Mesa Nature Preserve, about 10 miles from my campsite. The drive was peaceful, and I was lucky enough to spot a few White-tailed Does with a Fawn along the way. I couldn’t resist capturing the moment. If you look closely at the photo, you’ll notice that the Doe is in the process of shedding her summer coat and putting on her winter coat. These subtle changes in nature are fascinating and remind me of the constant ebb and flow of the seasons.

After parking at the preserve, I began my walk along the trail. The early morning light filtering through the landscape set the stage for what turned out to be a productive session.
Encounters on the Trail
Not long after starting down the trail, I came across several Mule Deer quietly feeding near the path. One of them was close enough for a good shot, and I managed to get a photo that really captured the essence of the moment.

As I continued up the trail, I spooked a rabbit in the tall grass. Fortunately, it didn’t run far, allowing me to get a clear photo. The morning was proving to be as fruitful as I’d hoped.

I also saw a few birds along the way. While I did take some photos, I’m holding off on sharing them until I can properly identify each species.
Afternoon Walk and a Turkey Surprise
After returning to camp and grabbing a quick lunch, I decided to explore a nearby creek. This turned out to be a great decision as I encountered four Wild Turkeys. At first, I thought they were catching and eating grasshoppers, but after observing them more closely, I realized they were stripping seeds from the tall grass. I was able to capture one in action, stripping seeds with its beak.

Wild turkeys are fascinating creatures, with a diet that includes a variety of plant and animal matter. They are opportunistic feeders, and their adaptability was on full display during this encounter.
A Stormy Evening
I headed out again around 4:00 P.M. for another drive through the park, hoping for more wildlife sightings. Unfortunately, the weather had other plans. With another storm brewing, I decided to call it quits early.
Despite the early end to the day, it was a rewarding experience overall. I’m eager to see what tomorrow holds—there’s always something new and exciting in store here at Black Mesa State Park. Stay tuned for more updates!