The Baby Cottontail Rabbit that I have posted about (Baby Cottontail Rabbit) and (Baby Cottontail Rabbit Visiting) has picked up a large tick. I wished it would let me get that tick off. That tick should be dropping off soon, as full as it looks.

How I Got The Shot: Cottontail Rabbit With A Tick
I sat on the ground hand-holding my camera and lens.
Gear Used:
- Camera: Canon EOS R5
- Lens: Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II
- Location: Lavaca (Arkansas)
- Date and Time Taken: May 22, 2021 (08:33 A. M.)
- Aperture: f7.1
- Shutter speed: 1/500
- ISO: 1600
- White Balance: Kelvin 6100
- Exposure Mode: Manual
- Metering Mode: Evaluative
- Back-button Focus
- Animal Eye Auto Focus
- Exposure Compensation: 0
- Focal Length: 400 mm
- Processed With Luminar 4