While my blog typically focuses on wildlife photography adventures, I have to share the amazing pollinator activity happening in my new flowerbed! I recently added some Meadow Sage (Salvia Lyrical Blues) plants, and their gorgeous purple blooms have been an absolute magnet for bees and other pollinators.

There’s a constant gentle hum surrounding the Meadow Sage as bees enthusiastically buzz from flower to flower, gathering up that sweet nectar. Watching the steady stream of bumble bees, honey bees, and other pollinators has been an absolute delight – and a great reminder of just how vital they are to our ecosystem.

While the pollinator party has captured most of my attention, I’ve also had an unexpected tiny visitor: a baby cottontail rabbit! Everything I’ve read says Salvia is supposed to be rabbit resistant, but this little guy seems to disagree. He’s been happily munching away on quite a few of the Meadow Sage blooms. What a cheeky little nibbler!
Even with the bunny’s surprise love for my plants, it’s clear the Meadow Sage is an absolute magnet for pollinators. The nectar-rich flowers are simply irresistible to bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and more. So while I may need to put up a little fencing to protect the plants from my furry friend, I’m just thrilled to be providing a food source for all the important pollinators out there.
This is my first time really photographing the wildlife in my new flower garden, and I have to say, it’s been so fun! I can’t wait to share more pics as the blooms continue to attract visitors.
Has anyone else had surprise critters go after supposedly “resistant” plants? I’d love to hear your stories! And be sure to share pictures if your gardens are abuzz with pollinators too.
Love these photos and your new meadow!
This is really exciting!!! I’m very happy about your flowerbed and its visitors!