This American White Pelican eating fish was on the north side of the Sally Jones Causeway at the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. This is the same time and location I photographed the Three American White Pelicans that I posted a few days ago.
I parked on the side of the road. I had my camera and lens resting on a bean bag draped over the open window of my pickup.
Gear Used:
- Camera: Fujifilm X-T3
- Lens: Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS II (attached with a Fringer EF-FX Pro)
- Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge (Oklahoma)
- Date and Time Taken: February 5, 2021 (09:43 A. M.)
- Aperture Priority
- Aperture: f7.1
- Shutter speed: 1/4700 (as determined by the camera)
- ISO: 2000
- White Balance: Auto
- Metering Mode: Multi
- Back-button Focus
- Single Point Continuous Auto Focus
- Exposure Compensation: -1.0
- Focal Length: 400 mm
- Processed With Luminar 4